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Harlan Community School District


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Principal's Message

Welcome to Harlan Community High School, the home of the Cyclones!

Harlan Community High School is a community school that includes the towns of Corley, Defiance, Earling, Harlan, Jacksonville, Panama, Portsmouth and Westphalia.  We are a school of approximately 500 students in grades 9-12, located in southwest Iowa.

Academically, our students rank above the state average in both the ACT and the Iowa Assessment tests. We offer students the option to take 16 college credit classes through the dual enrollment program in our building. Eighty percent of our graduates further their education at the post-secondary level. Over the last three years, 95% of our students who enrolled as freshmen at a four year college are still enrolled three years later.

Student involvement is a key component of our educational success.  The HCSD has had a strong 1:1 technology initiative.  We have won a state leading 13 football championships, state championships in volleyball  in 2013 and 2014, girl's basketball in 2014 and 2015, boy's basketball in 2004 and 2006, baseball in 1996, 2003, and 2016, girl's golf in 1993 and 1995, girls cross country in 2005, boy;s track in 1954 and 2003, wrestling in 1967, and won 9 state Jazz championships.  Our students compete in 17 varsity sporting events, Band, Vocal, Speech and can belong to over 20 clubs or organizations.

Public education in Iowa must now prepare students for global competition.  Our focus is on student centered classrooms and inquiry as a strategy to meet tomorrow’s challenges.  I believe we have the educators at HCHS that will meet the challenge of continual improvement, staying true to our motto, “joined as one, we will get the job done.

Casey Ring
High School Principal



